English in Action - back at HAK Bregenz

After a 3-day preparation course for the written A-level exams which took place in February, 63 pupils of all final-year HAK, HWI and AUL classes took part in the EIA (English in Action) oral preparation course at our schoollast week.

Senior teacher Dale Ogilvy and his highly motivated team - David, Bernadette, Matthew and Leyla, all of them native speakers from Britain -  motivated the pupils to speak English only for a whole week in a positive atmosphere and could thereby considerably improve their lexical range and fluency. They supported the classes in their work on innovative business projects, such as the Eden Project on tourism or discussed the infrastructure of London airports. Additionally, they carried out many challenging activities, discussions and role-plays on general business topics, including work-life balance, jobs and careers, entrepreneurship, social media as well as how to prepare for job interviews.

Working with the teachers from Britain was very exciting and will be most helpful for the upcoming graduation exams. On several occasions, the students presented their newly acquired skills in short monologues and presentations to practise their speaking skills.
